November 25, 2023 Events, News

An invitation from our device revival specialist, Stephen Akins:

Do you have an older device that is broken or unused? Do you want to learn how to fix it or recycle it for something else? Join me, Stephen, for an Older Device Revival workshop and get some help. I’ll do my best to help you with any device you have, and if your device is beyond repair, I may be able to show you what parts might be worth salvaging. It’s time to do something about that thing that’s been sitting in your closet for years. Let’s try to revive it together.

Galiano South Hall at 141 Sturdies Bay Road
Saturday, December 9th from 10 am to 1 pm

GIRR’s repair workshop series is funded through the CRD’s Rethink Waste Community Grant program, which we are ever grateful for in helping us to keep useful items out of the waste management system before their time. Thank you to our community for taking part!