January 7, 2023 News

We are very pleased to let you know of a couple of changes to recycling categories at the depot. These changes simplify both the collections (easier for you to sort) and the processing (easier for us to manage), so it’s a win win scenario for us all.

As of January 2023, Recycle BC has combined the category of Other Flexible Plastic Packaging with Plastic Bags and Plastic Film into one common category: FLEXIBLE PLASTICS. What does this mean? No more scrunching up each piece of plastic wrap next to your ear to decide whether it is ‘crinkly’ or ‘soft’ — they all go in the same bin! Thank you, gods and goddesses of recycling. Everyone’s life just got a little simpler.

The other change is at the glass sorting table. As of the beginning of January, we are accepting all glass beverage containers (alcohol, non-alcohol, and of every size) as one category. As beverage glass continues to be hauled separately from jar/food glass (olive oil, mayonnaise, sauces, etc.) a separate bin will remain for this purpose.

Both of these changes are effective immediately. As always, if you have any questions when you’re at the depot, please ask one of our knowledgeable team members. We’re always happy to educate when we can!