Our final 2022 instalment of GIRR’s Repair Workshop Series is on the theme of textiles!
Bring your articles of clothing and textiles in need of some mending love to the Galiano South Community Hall. Sit in on the repair and learn some tips from our expert sewers & repairers, Linde Zingaro and Anna Keefer.
What: GIRR Repair Workshop Series: Textiles
Where: Galiano South Community Hall, 141 Sturdies Bay Road
When: Saturday November 12th, 11:30 to 2:30 pm.
Along with your repair items, bring a snack to share if you’re so inspired to, and a readiness to be a part of a new/old way of thinking.
Our goal with GIRR’s Repair Workshop Series is to keep items in use and out of the heavily burdened waste management system before their time; and to get us all thinking about making wiser consumer choices. We’re very excited about this new program! Please come be a part of the repair series in its early days while we learn how we would like to shape the future of the series.
Many thanks to the CRD for their support of this series through their Rethink Waste Community Grant.