Thank You Galiano for your Community Spirit and Support
Where we are
As we write to you so much has changed since this time last year. Currently we are experiencing a global pandemic, COVID – 19. Our Recycling Depot has been temporarily shut down to protect our staff and our community. At our March 19th Zoom Board Meeting the following motion was unanimously passed:
“Be it resolved that because of board concerns for our staff and the community following the COVID-19 outbreak in British Columbia for health reasons and because of direct contact with public in the close environment of the Depot, that GIRR suspend operation of the Depot effective immediately. Be it also resolved that GIRR continue to pay staff their regular hourly payment until such time as alternate Federal funding becomes available. This is to be reviewed on a weekly basis for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic”
A State of Emergency has been declared in our Province. Most of us are staying home, isolated from family and friends, and having our groceries and essentials delivered. The immediate future is uncertain. As dedicated recyclers you must now store your recycling until GIRR re-opens. Please make sure everything is cleaned extra well and pre-sort meticulously in separate bags and containers before storing it in a dry place. When we do re-open you will then be able to quickly and easily unload.
When we do re-open, the depot will be open Saturdays for Households only, 9:30 – 2:30. If you are an essential service business please contact me directly at our email. We will be allowing one vehicle at a time into the depot. Please stay in your vehicles and be prepared to wait. We will be unable to take light bulbs, smoke detectors, or any item that needs to be handed to a staff person. All our Materials will need to be aged for five days before they can be safely handled by staff. We have made changes inside the depot for a better flow, and a safer environment for both staff and community. We hope that you will have patience with us and each other as we try to navigate this constantly evolving situation. The safety of our staff and our community is our highest priority. If we cannot maintain the safety requirements set out by our Provincial Health Officer, we will have to close our doors yet again. The Redirectory will remain closed indefinitely.
Of course, all of this could change very quickly! So, to stay up to date on all GIRR related items, please check our website (galianorecycles.ca), facebook, social media, and message boards on island.
Celebrate Earth Day, Wednesday April 22nd, with your own personal renewed commitments to Mother Earth. During this time, as a community, can we have a collective Earth Day, separately? Let’s each reflect on how much and what we consume, create ways to reuse and repurpose, grow and handmake a little more and buy a little less. Our planet is healing as we slow down, consume less, travel less and stay home more. Can we learn life lessons, can we bring those lessons forward as we find our new normal when this crisis passes?
GIRR AGM – postposed for the foreseeable future
Where we are going
GIRR board and staff are ever vigilant about serving Galiano in the best way possible. Through the process of a facilitated Planning Day board members and staff came together to take the first steps towards a GIRR SITE REDESIGN to address storage needs and safety as we adapt to everchanging and unpredictable requirements from our stewardship partners. We set our PRIORITIES as: enhanced storage capacity, enhanced concrete surfaces, creating a metals and appliance plan, maintaining existing assets, and ensuring staff and public safety. Over the next year we hope you will see changes in how we serve you. Changes that will result in a clearer, more efficient and effective flow for you and our staff.